BSD is Dead! or future archeology...

The next ScotLUG meeting will be on Thursday 28th January at the usual spot, the Electron Club in the CCA. We should be kicking around the Electron Club around 7:00PM.

This month we’ve got a talk by Fred Crowson, but unfortunately no axes will be wielded due to the lack of forests in Central Glasgow to provide plausible deniability as a lumberjack…

** *BSD is Dead! or future archeology…installing OpenBSD 5.9-beta **

Synopsis: A brief history of the *BSD family of operating systems, followed by a practical session of installing OpenBSD on a USB flash drive to make a bootable OpenBSD system that can be run from the pendrive.

For the practical session, if people could bring a laptop with a usb port that can be booted from.

Fred will have some USB pendrives that can be used - but if people have their own pendrives that are at least 2Gb (you can use a 1 Gb but that is a bit more complex :~]) then that would be good.

We will be adjourning to a local bar afterwards, the exact location to be confirmed as we need to check on availability of space at the CCA Bar.

As always, for more information – you can visit the website at

Hope to see you all there!